rooted (IN): Thriving in Connection with God, Yourself, and Others
You are meant to live in joyful, loving connection with God, your true self, and others. But something is in the way. I’ve experienced it, too. The sense something is missing in your life leaves you feeling disappointed and dissatisfied. rooted (IN): Thriving in Connection with God, Yourself, and Others is a journey into the wide, long, high, and deep love of God. This book invites you into spiritual paths and practices that open the way to living rooted and grounded in the healing, restoring love of Christ.
Order your copy today from these sellers. Contact Susan for bulk orders.
Free Rooted Devotional and Group Guide Available!
“Carson, founder of Cincinnati ministry Roots & Branches Network, explores the benefits of healing prayer in her engaging debut. Using her own experiences of depression, shame, and recovery from breast cancer, Carson skillfully blends pastoral wisdom, scripture, and prayer into a persuasive invitation to those who feel brokenhearted....Healing the social isolation that can sometimes come with modern life requires attention, quiet, and a radical openness to a spirit beyond oneself, she writes....Carson’s accessible guide to prayer and spiritual self-care will resonate across the Christian faith spectrum.”
What leaders are saying…..
“Susan has written such an accessible guide to spiritual growth and transformation. Personal, practical, and authentic in style, this book will help you go to the next level in your relationship with God and your enjoyment of life in Him.”
“Susan Carson shapes a space for freedom and transformation. She’s learned it from years in ministry—drawing on ancient practices, scriptural wisdom, and personal experience—and now makes that space available in this book. If you will enter IN to this gracious, imaginative, hopeful space, you may just find yourself in a new place with God.
“With disarming vulnerability, Susan Carson deftly balances her own story and experiences with Scripture and time-tested practices. This is not the work of a theoretician, but a fellow sojourner and practitioner offering practical help and hope. In our hurried, frantic culture, this deeply life-affirming book is much needed cool water for thirsty souls, gently reminding readers of the Father’s love and the much richer life He offers.
“Susan has a beautiful way of offering truth while being vulnerable. She dives deep into God’s truth on how shame and lies distort who God made us to be. This is a story of leaving shame behind and stepping into the deepest kind of love, firmly rooted in truth, and connected with God. What a gift to the faith community she has given us!”
“In Rooted (IN): Thriving in Connection with God, Yourself and Others, Susan Carson shows you practical ways to heal your hidden brokenness and unhealthy behaviors by recognizing the root. This book equips you to live fully, joyfully, and lovingly, with healing and wholeness in Jesus Christ. I am excited that Susan has written this book, including her personal healing journey. It will empower you and stir your heart to draw closer to Jesus by the Holy Spirit. If you want to grow in with love God, yourself, and others, you will love this book!”