We are all on a journey of becoming who we already are. We are already fully known, loved and accepted.
But the pain, shame, trauma and disappointment we experience through our families, our world and even our churches leave us disconnected from God, ourselves and others.
It’s my passion to create safe, sacred spaces for you to journey further into love, further into healing, further into grace. These are spaces for your spiritual wellness, the care of your soul. In the midst of a chaotic world (it’s more than a little crazy these days, right?), this care is essential to your wellbeing.
I’m Susan Carson.
Writer. Speaker. Pray-er. Guide.
A few things about me.....
I’m a spiritual director certified through Sustainable Faith.
Over 30 years, I've prayed with hundreds of people on their healing journeys. I love to create safe, sacred spaces and facilitate transformational encounters with God.
I'm founder and director of Roots&Branches Network, a listening and healing prayer non-profit in Cincinnati, Ohio.
I crave dark chocolate, silence, and solitude. Almost every day.
I'm an INFJ and Enneagram 4. Please don't hold it against me.
Most of my growing and becoming has come through unlearning. I'm certain of less and sure of more.
I’m author of the spiritual guidebook rooted (IN): Thriving in Connection with God, Yourself and Others and host of the rooted (IN).ten.tionally podcast. Learn more….
Rooted in love. Remaining in the vine. From this sacred union, we begin the journey of becoming who we already are.
Welcome friends! How can I serve you?
soul care and spiritual wellness
I’m a certified spiritual director, and I’ve facilitated transformational encounters with Jesus for hundreds of spiritual seekers. Customize your experience to fit your needs, choosing spiritual direction, contemplative healing prayer or a combination of both. We’ll meet by zoom or in person (if you’re local to the Cincinnati area) for sessions uniquely fitted to your journey.
PODCAST and youtube resources
Join me for spiritual practices, interviews and experiences all designed to help you live more deeply rooted. Rooted (IN).ten.tionally creates safe space and invites you to prayerful practices designed to help you connect with God and your true self. In each episode, you’re led through a spiritual practice that will help you listen to God and to your own heart.
BOOK and digital resources
Check out my book rooted (IN), a free group guide, and more downloadable resources to fuel your growth. rooted (IN): Thriving in Connection with God, Yourself, and Others is a journey into the wide, long, high, and deep love of God. This book invites you into spiritual paths and practices that open the way to living rooted and grounded in the healing, restoring love of Christ.
events, workshops & retreats
I’d love to lead and equip your community through retreats and events centered in prayerful, transformational practices. The rooted journey takes us deeper together into the high, wide, long, and deep love of God. As we learn to create safe space and encounter his presence, we are changed and healed; and we become a little more who we already are.
“After Susan’s training, we experienced bonds of deeper authenticity within the prayer team as well as miraculous breakthroughs with the people we serve. She empowered us to create safe spaces for healing to happen.
Mandy Smith, PASTOR AND author
“For our retreat, Susan created an immersive experience that was life-changing for participants. People left, not just with content and notes, but with an encounter with God that people still talk about today.”
bradley jersak, theologian and author
“Susan’s work in facilitating healing, growth and a living connection to Infinite Love through practices such as ‘listening prayer’ is precisely what's needed in our era and culture of confusion, alienation and despair.”
Karen Woods, Heart of the Matter Ministries
“I had a powerful prayer experience with Susan that enabled me to reach a breakthrough in my personal healing journey.”